Excavation Adjacent to the Existing Building A Study Case
A 17 stories building is planned to be erected at the crowded area. A 4 floors office and 2 floors house are
its right and left neighbors. 2 floors surgery building of the hospital is right behind the project area. Of 3.2m depth will
be excavated at the area for basement in which the ground water table is at 2m depth. The excavation could trigger
instability for the surrounding buildings, especially when the dewatering process takes place. This paper intends to
describe the analysis of the excavation process and the inferred ground stability. The model simulation by means of
Plaxis 2D 2011 recommends the modification of construction stages drastically. Local excavation at the pile cap area is
the best method to generate the smallest deformation on the nearby area.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7365]