Synthesis and Investigating of the Novel of Es-Pani@PdNPs Nanocomposite
The aim of this research is the synthesize materials Novel of ESPANI@PdNPs nanocomposites obtained chemically. The synthesis of ES-PANI@PdNPs nanocomposite was prepared by the chemical method using FeCl3 as a redox initiator (insitu) and refluxed for 48 hours at 500C, then dried at 500C for 24 hours, obtained a brown-black solid and no water-soluble.The nanocomposite is characterized by UVVis and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, the composite shows absorption of Pd(0) nanoparticles along with ES-PANI peaks at 312 nm. FTIR and UV-visible spectra show an interaction between Pd(0) and ES-PANI. This indicated that Pd(0) zero valence had been formed and that internal reduction processes had occurred by imines and amines toward Pd(II) ions.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]