The Diction’s Use and Public Understanding Of Asmarandana Song by Raden Ngabei Yasadipura
The song Asmarandana was created by Raden Ngabei
Yasadipura whose diction comes from the Javanese language so that it cannot
be directly understood by the general public.
Aim: The purpose of this study was to reveal the use of diction, rhyme,
meaning, and to find out the public's response to the song.
Method: The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method.
Data collection was carried out using library and interview techniques. The
research results are as follows.
Findings: The diction uses the Javanese language which is adapted to the
rhyme with other dictions in one line and stanzas. The rhyme of the
Asmarandana song is that there are seven lines in each gatra, the wilangan is
8-8-8-8-7-8-8, and the song is i-a-e-a-a-u. As for the meaning of the
Asmarandana song, namely: every human being who will undergo a marriage
should not only look at looks and wealth but look at the heart and character
for happiness that is sakinah mawaddah warahmah. The public's response to
the song is divided into three, namely: the Santri community, Javanese, and
modern. The santri community interprets the Asmarandana song as a form of
reasoning in the letter Ar-rum verse 21 that humans are created in pairs. The
Javanese people interpret the Asmarandana song as being associated with the
terms seed, bebet, and weight. Modern society is generally no longer familiar
with the Asmarandana song, but most of them in looking for a life partner are
still guided by the requirements contained in the Asmarandana song.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7356]