Training on Social Media Utilization for Communication Politics to Constituents in the Aspiration House Of Muhammad Nur Purnamasidi, Jember Regency
The rapid development of communication technology presents social media on smartphone or popularly
known as hand phone (HP). In January 2022, Kominfo reported that there were 307.1 million cellular
connections and this is more than Indonesia's population of 277.7 million. It mean the constituents of the
DPR RI are social media users. The Aspiration House of H. Muhammad Nur Purnamasidi as
constituent organizations that have not used social media for political comunication to their constituents.
The purpose of training on the use of social media for political communication tasks is to be able to use
social media as a means of accurate and valid information. Training method was online activities with
Problem Base learning and Brainstorming techniques. The results of the activity showed that
administrators of the House of Aspirations H. Muhammad Nur Purnamasidi increased insight and
understanding of the benefits of social media as a means of political communication to the
constituents.They feel that the ability to use social media is mandatory for constituent organizations
members as a means of keeping an electronic track record that have done. This training can overcome the
gap in human resources of the constituent organizations personnel with knowledge of social media,
content building techniques, and network building.
- LSP-Conference Proceeding [1876]