Root Water Uptake Process for Different Types of Soil in Unsteady Infiltration from Periodic Trapezoidal Channels
This study involves a non-linear partial differential equation known as Richard’s Equation. An unsteady infiltration
from trapezoidal periodic irrigation channel with root-water uptake is considered as the problem. To solve the problem,
A set of transformations, Kirchhoff transformation, dimensionless variables, Batu’s transformation and Laplace
transformation, are employed to transform Richard’s Equation into a modified Helmholtz equation. Finally, the
transformation is solved numerically using The Dual Reciprocity Method (DRM) with a predictor-corrector scheme.
Employing Gaver-Stehfest formulae and diffusivity factor, distributions of root water uptake process are obtained as
sink term of the problem.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]