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dc.contributor.authorMa’rufi, Isa
dc.contributor.authorIstiaji, Erdi
dc.contributor.authorWitcahyo, Eri
dc.description.abstractScabies is a common skin disease among the students of the boarding school. Scabies is caused by mite infestation as called as Sarcoptes scabiei that can spread easily from human to human, animal to animal or humans to animals instead. The purpose of this study is to measure the prevalence of scabies in students, and to analyze the relationship between the incidences of scabies by healthy behaviors in students of boarding school at Lamongan, East Java. The type of research is observational and cross-sectional study. Total population is 59.650 students with a sample of the study were 338 students. The sampling technique on this research was multistage random sampling method. The results showed that 217 students (64.2%) suffered from scabies, and 121 students (35.8%) did not suffer from scabies or healthy. Based on the statistical test by Chi-square, there is a relationship between the incidence of scabies by healthy behaviors (p <0.05). It is suggested need for counseling and training on a regular basis about healthy behavior and clean for the students. Need for cooperation with other agencies, such as Communities Health Center (Puskesmas) in order to prevent and control the incidence of scabies in students of boarding school.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Jember/IKESMA;Volume 8, Nomor 2, September 2012
dc.subjectHealth behaviors, scabiesen_US
dc.titleHUBUNGAN PERILAKU SEHAT SANTRI DENGAN KEJADIAN SCABIES DI PONDOK PESANTREN KABUPATEN LAMONGAN (Relationship between Health Behaviors by Incidences of Scabies in Students of Boarding School, Lamongan)en_US

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