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Recent Submissions
Relationship Between Response Time Level of Patient Handling With Patient Satisfaction Level in Emergency of Klakah Lumajang Community Health Center
(2024-11-26)The health center is one of the health facilities that are widely used by the community where the health center and its network are the spearhead of health services in Indonesia. Response time is an indicator of speed ... -
Relationship Between Early Detection of Signs and Symptoms Of Hypoglycemia With Hypoglycemia Prevention Behavior in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus Type II at Yosowilangun Community Health Center
(2024-11-26)Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels associated with abnormal carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism caused by decreased insulin secretion or decreased insulin sensitivity ... -
Effectiveness of Double Lumen Catheter Wound Care Using 0.9% Nacl, 7.5% Chlorhexidine, 15% Cetrimide on Double Lumen Catheter Infection in Regular Hemodialysis Patients
(2024-11-19)The high incidence of double lumen catheter infections in Hemodialysis patients requires a solution including wound care using the antiseptic chlorhexidine 7.5% and cetrimide 15%. Objectives: The aim of this study was ... -
Relationship Between Treatment Compliance Level and Vision Value In Post-phacomulsification Cataract Surgery Patients at Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Lumajang
(2024-11-06)Cataracts are one of the causes of blindness, successful cataract treatment does not depend on surgery alone. Postoperative care and treatment greatly influences visual outcomes after surgery. The research aims to explain ... -
The Effect Of Health Education Using Direct Demonstration Method On Compliance In The Use Of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) In Sugar Cane Farmers Group In Desa Banyuputih Kidul , Kecamatan Jatiroto, Kabupaten Lumajang
(2024-11-26)Personal protective equipment is very important in carrying out work which can cause work accidents, so health education using direct demonstrations makes a huge contribution to change respondent behavior. So with direct ... -
Innovation of Moringa Based Food Processing as An Effort to Prevent Stunting
(Fakultas Keperawatan, 2024-12-01)Stunting is a health problem that requires attention. The cause of stunting is chronic malnutrition which results in failure in physical growth and cognitive development in children. Therefore, one of the stunting prevention ... -
The Effect of Health Counseling on Self-Management and Blood Pressure Stability In Hypertension Patients at the Klinik Ronaa Husada
(2024-11-26)Hypertension is still one of the problems that exist in the world of health to this day. General public knows it as hypertension because of the increase in blood pressure exceeding the normal limit. According to 'Riskesdas’ ... -
Yunitarelationship Between Early Detection of Signs and Symptoms Of Hypoglycemia With Hypoglycemia Prevention Behavior in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus Type II at Yosowilangun Community Health Center
(2024-11-26)Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels associated with abnormal carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism caused by decreased insulin secretion or decreased insulin sensitivity ... -
Hubungan Waktu Tunggu Pemeriksaan Dengan Tingkat Kecemasan Pasien Lansia Dengan Nyeri Sendi
(2024-12-01)Nyeri sendi merupakan masalah kesehatan umum pada lansia yang sering disertai kecemasan akibat kondisi tersebut. Salah satu faktor yang memengaruhi tingkat kecemasan pada pasien lansia dengan nyeri sendi adalah waktu ... -
Hubungan dukungan sosial keluarga dengan kepatuhan minum obat pada Pasien ODGJ di UPT puskesmas kedungjajang kabupaten lumajang
(2024-11-18)Patients with mental disorders, are those who experience disturbances in their thoughts, feelings and behavior. Families with individuals who experience mental disorders will provide a negative social model. Families ... -
Effectiveness of double lumen catheter wound care using 0.9% Nacl, 7.5% chlorhexidine, 15% cetrimide on double lumen Catheter infection in regular hemodialysis patients
(Jurnal Keperawatan, 2024-11-01)The high incidence of double lumen catheter infections in Hemodialysis patients requires a solution including wound care using the antiseptic chlorhexidine 7.5% and cetrimide 15%. Objectives: The aim of this study was ... -
Functional status outcomes of adolescents with mental disorders: A descriptive study
(Gac Méd Caracas 2024, 2024-10-12)Introduction: Mental disorder impacts various aspect of an individual’s ability to function in daily life and their living environment. There are still limited studies that describe the functional health status ... -
Implementation of Deep Breathing Relaxation and Al-Quran Recitation in Reducing Acute Pain in Post-Op Sectio Caesarea Patients: A Study Case
(Health and Technology Journal (HTechJ) Vol 2 Number 06 Desember 2024, 2024-12-01)Acute pain frequently affects post-cesarean section patients and, if left unmanaged, can slow recovery and potentially lead to chronic pain. Non-pharmacological methods like Deep Breathing Relaxation combined with Murottal ... -
The Correlation Between Self-Efficacy and Medication Adherence with the Quality of Life of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients at Randuagung Health Center, Lumajang Regency
(Health and Technology Journal (HTechJ) Vol 2 Number 06 Desember 2024, 2024-12-01)Tuberculosis (TB) remains a significant health issue in Indonesia. Individuals diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis often have a negative response to their illness, which impacts their quality of life. Factors that can ... -
The Relationship between the Level of Memorizing the Al-Qur'an and the Academic Achievement of Junior High School Students
(Health and Technology Journal (HTechJ) Vol 2 Number 06 Desember 2024, 2024-12-12)The era of globalization must be faced by the entire world of education today. Education has an important role in shaping an individual's character and intellectual abilities. Formal education in Indonesia is often ... -
Patient-centered care model based on selfefficacy to improve self-care and quality of life of people with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A PLS-SEM approach
(Fakultas Keperawatan, 2024-08-24)Background: The current model for managing type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is healthcare provider-centered rather than patient-centered. This approach may overlook individual patients’ unique needs, potentially impacting ... -
Strategies for nursing students in achieving basic nursing competencies through self-directed learning readiness
(Nurse and Health: Jurnal Keperawatan. 13 (2): 347-356, 2024-12-01)Background: Clinical practice learning is designed to prepare nursing students to become professional nurses, students are required to meet competency achievement targets. To comprehensively achieve these targets, ... -
Lansia Pasca stroke : Dengan Perawatan Berbasis Budaya Kearifan Lokal
(KHD Production, 2024-08-01)Stroke menurut World Health Organization (WHO) didefinisikan sebagai tanda – tanda klinis yang terjadi secara cepat atau mendadak berupa defisit fokal (atau global) pada fungsi otak, dengan gejala yang berlangsung selama ... -
Kesehatan Masyarakat (Konsep Dan Penerapan) Jilid 1
(Fakultas Keperawatan, 2024-11-01)Kesehatan masyarakat merupakan bidang yang luas dan dinamis yang berfokus pada perlindungan, pemeliharaan, dan peningkatan kesehatan populasi. Dalam beberapa waktu terakhir Kesehatan masyarakat telah mengalami perubahan ... -
Menyibak Mitos TB, Sukseskan TOSS TB :Sebuah Tantangan Eliminasi TB Pascapandemi Covid
(Bintang Semesta Media, 2024-11-01)TB merupakan penyakit menular yang sejak lama menjadi masalah kesehatan global dan masih dikategorikan BAB 1 2 Menyibak Mitos TB, Sukseskan TOSS TB sebagai epidemi di dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Upaya untuk mengeliminasi ...