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dc.contributor.authorHUTAMA, Pandu Satriya
dc.contributor.authorNEGORO, Abul Haris Suryo
dc.description.abstractThe significant tourism potential in East Java attracts tourists to stop and stay. Probolinggo City, with its strategic potential, has the opportunity to be visited by tourists through international cruise ships. The choices are as varied as a tour in Probolinggo City or a nature-based tour like Mount Bromo. Travel to the City of Probolinggo has been developing since 2011; this correlates with the government and the community to promote tourism with potentials such as recreational and shopping tourism, cultural appeal, clean and green cities, and friendly residents. Benefits for the government and the community are related to socioeconomic developments that continue to develop. By using the input-output results, you can find out the data of cruise ship visits that stopped in 2016-2018. The data obtained can be analyzed with three different impacts, namely, direct effects, indirect impacts, and interrelated impacts. The purpose of this article is to solve the problems that arise and find out which appears that occur for the City of Probolinggo with a cruise tour that stops at the port of Probolinggo. However, it is not only a positive impact but a negative impact. Some efforts are needed to reduce the negative implications that are correlated with the Probolinggo Sustainable Tourism Development.en_US
dc.publisherIOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 485 (2020) 012015en_US
dc.subjectSocial and economic issuesen_US
dc.subjectcruise ship tourismen_US
dc.subjectProbolinggo Cityen_US
dc.titleSocial and Economic Issues on the Cruise Ship Tourism in Probolinggo Cityen_US
dc.identifier.kodeprodiKODEPRODI0910201#Administrasi Negara

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