Pergeseran Pola Kepemimpinan Kiai dalam Mengembangkan Lembaga Pesantren
The development and sustainability of Islamic Boarding School are
strongly influenced by the regeneration of the leadership of kiai as a successor of
the vision and mission, depending upon their disciplines. Regeneration of the
leadership of kiai often occurs on the basis of lineage to maintain and respond the
developmental and institutional dynamics in the boarding school. The research is
intended to analyze and discover the leadership patterns of kiai, the shifting
patterns of the leadership, and the impact of the shift towards the development of
the institutions.
This study is phenomenological. The data collection techniques employed
were observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The data analysis
procedures were data reduction, data display, and conclusion. Tringualation was
used to check the data validity, credibility, transferability, dependability, and
The findings of the research reveal the following results. Firstly, the pattern
of the leadership of kiai is preserving and maintaining lineage or dzurriyyah
(leader is born). The characteristics of the leadership of kiai are paternalistic,
charismatic, pseudo-democratic, and transcendent-transformative. Secondly, the
shifting patterns of the leadership of kiai are maintaining direct dzurriyah, direct
and closest dzurriyyah, and indirect and closest dzurriyyah. The patterns are
based on the following principles: a) capable to maintain knowledge and the
characteristics of the boarding school, b) able to maintain the values of the
boarding schools and families (dzurriyyah), c) able to maintain the values and
patterns of leadership characteristics which are paternalistic, charismatic, pseudodemocratic,
characteristics of the boarding schools which are salafiyah,
salafiyah-khalafiyah, and khalafiyah. Thirdly, the impacts of the leadership shift
of kiai are as follows. a) the leadership pattern is more open and accepts value
changes. b) Diversity of institutional models occurs from salafiyah, salafiyahkhalafiyah,
and khalafiyah. c) the models of institutional buildings are from
wood and bamboo to modern buildings. d) the quality of human resources is in
the forms of expertises religious knowledge and science. e) the management of
santri is from traditional to classical management models, and f) the outputs or graduates involve in the works for the religious instution and community services
in his environment.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]