Social Business Start-Up on Catfish Culture MSMEs
ANDRIANA, Andriana
NINGTYIAS, Farida Wahyu
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The purpose of this study is to find out what catfish processed products can be diversified so that they can increase the selling value of catfish
management products, describe how to increase the selling of innovative catfish management, find out the benefits of catfish processing diversification,
and describe how to increase sales diversified catfish processed products. This study is a review literature study with objects in catfish cultivation
MSMEs in Jember Regency. The results obtained from this study are processed catfish can be diversified to increase selling value, diversification of
catfish processed products include Shredded Catfish, Catfish Nugget, Catfish Bone Stick, and Catfish Krupuk, the benefits of verifying catfish processed
products include increasing value economical, and increasing acceptability if in the "real" form of catfish sometimes people do not want to consume
catfish, and marketing techniques that are carried out are marketed in the neighborhood around boarding schools and through social media namely
Instagram so that it can become revenue generating for boarding schools.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]