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dc.contributor.authorHOBRI, Hobri
dc.contributor.authorROMLAH, Siti
dc.contributor.authorPRIHANDOKO, Antonius Cahya
dc.contributor.authorSAFITRI, Janki
dc.contributor.authorNAZARETH, Evi
dc.descriptionThe 6th South East Asia Design Research International Conference (6th SEA-DR IC)27–28 June 2018, Banda Aceh, Indonesiaen_US
dc.description.abstractThis research aimed to analyze students' metacognitive skill through the application of mathematical problem solving learning based on Lesson Study for Learning Community (LSLC). This research used a mixed method, qualitative and quantitative. This research started by developing learning material collaboratively with peers, through Plan-Do-See. The data were analyzed by independent t-test. Researchers and some mathematics teachers developed learning materials. The learning materials included the syntax of mathematical problem solving on LSLC. Learning material was not only developed to make students able to resolve the problem solving and improve the metacognitive capability but also to create an atmosphere for the students to learn from each other and not to leave anybody neglected due to incapability. In addition, the developed learning materials also provided "jumping task," exercises designed for students who were more advanced to solve problems with a much higher level to increase their capacity. The research results showed that the implementation of mathematical problem solving based on LSLC significantly affected students' metacognitive capability. Metacognition ability is part of the core competence that must have by senior high school students. Metacognition can be established when students work on problem-solving, work in a small group through collaboration in a community which cares for and learns with one another in the form of LSLC.en_US
dc.publisherIOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1088 (2018) 012064en_US
dc.subjecttudents’ metacognitive abilityen_US
dc.subjectmathematical problem-solving learning baseden_US
dc.subjectlesson study for learning communityen_US
dc.titleStudents’ Metacognitive Ability in Mathematical Problem-Solving Learning Based on Lesson Study for Learning Community (LSLC)en_US
dc.identifier.kodeprodiKODEPRODI0210101#Pendidikan Matematika

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