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dc.contributor.advisorRAFAI, Ahmad
dc.contributor.advisorPURWANDARI, Retno
dc.contributor.authorKRISDAYANTI, Dinda
dc.identifier.nimnim 142310101057
dc.description.abstractCaring is at the core of nursing practice and the basis of the nursing profession. Caring behavior is the basis of nursing services in helping patients meet the need for health services and is a form of professionalism that can be showed by nurses. Nursing students are prospective professional nurses so it is necessary to get an adequate caring concept. FKEP UNEJ has a Bachelor education program and professional Ners program. The difference in length of study and the experiences of interacting with patients in both education programs may influence caring behavior. This research used descriptive design with comparative analysis. Total participant is 304 students consisted of 173 nursing student academic year 2015 and 131 students of profession. The sampling technique used in this study was Simple Random Sampling for nursing student academic year 2015 and total sampling for students of profession. Caring Behaviors measured by Caring Behaviors Inventory questionnaire (cronbach = 0.947). The results showed there was no significant difference in caring behavior of nursing student academic year 2015 and students of profession (p value = 0.456) and students who have good caring behavior are 53.6%. this study is expected to be input material for evaluating and improving effective learning methods related to caring in order to improve caring behavior for each student. Provide an overview for students and become a self-evaluation material to be able to find out the weaknesses they have in caring behavior so they can improve it.en_US
dc.publisherFakultas Perawatan Universitas Jemberen_US
dc.subjectcaring behaviors, nursing student, professionalismen_US
dc.titlePerbandingan Perilaku Caring Pada Mahasiswa Keperawatan Angkatan 2015 Dan Mahasiswa Profesi Ners Angkatan 21 Dan 22 DI Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Jemberen_US

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