Pemanfaatan Citra Landsat 8 untuk Pembangunan Infrastruktur Pantai Boom Kabupaten Banyuwangi
In the past, Beach Boom in Banyuwangi as the economic center of the city, as a center of trade
and transport of goods, as well as the fishing port (Banyuwangi Post, 2015). As a result of erosion and
sedimentation that affect changes in the coastline, beaches Boom functions to be bad. Therefore, planning
ahead, on the coast Boom, will be built the infrastructure to supporting Beach Boom ’functions .
infrastructure development planned by the government must be complete, according to the Banyuwangi
map Spatial Plan has been agreed as a long-term development plan. One survey mapping technology that
can be used is a Satellite Imagery. satellite imagery, is mapping survey is very helpful for areas that are
hard to carry out mapping activities in the field, such as in the sea. This study, to determine shoreline
change using Landsat 8 satellite images temporal (2014, 2015 and 2016) and plan the layout of
infrastructure development. The results showed that the sedimentation in Beach Boom cause coastlines
progress, an average of 7.8 m per year without dredging. Therefore, the development of coastal Boom
must be well planned.
- LSP-Conference Proceeding [1877]