The Referential Function Types in Teacher Explanation
This study aims to investigate referential function used by teacher. Can add to our understanding how referential function types are established, maintained, and shaped through explanative speech in primary school. This study uses discourse analysis with a speech act approach. This research found that referential function types accompanied by conative functions and metalinguistic functions. Based on discourse production, referential function types can be classified in knowledge-telling and knowledge-transforming models. There are three patterns of teacher explanations based on information: (1) the delivery of information, (2) the use of information, and (3) the produce of information; There are several types found based on these three types; (1) informative-assertive, (2) suggestive-reflective, (3) informative-imperative, (4) Informative-interpretive, (5) Illustrative-Applicative, and (6) Solutive-suggestive. This research is an overview of the referential function types that are appropriate to be applied in learning process.
- LSP-Conference Proceeding [1877]