Pengaruh Pertumbuhan Pariwisata dan Pertanian Terhadap Elastisitas Kesempatan Kerja Sektoral dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Jawa Timur
Hidayat, Firman
Adenan, Moh.
Santosa, Siswoyo Hari
Show full item recordAbstract
The purpose of this study was to analyze the efiect of agricultural growth on sectoral
employment elasticity in East Java; analyze the contribution of the tourism sector ta
the economic growth in East Java and analyze the contribution of thte tourism sector to
the economic growth in East Java. The data in this study was obtained from the Central
Bureau of Stotistics East lova, methods of dato analysis using path analysis. Tourism
growth effect on sectorql employment elasticity in East Java. lt shows that the growth
of tourism in East lavo could increose the elosticity of labor tenge. Agricultural growth
elasticity of employment to the sector in Eost Jqva. lt shows thdt agricultural growth in
East lava could increase the etasticity of labor. The agricultural sector alfect tfie
economic growth in East Jova. lt shows that agricutturil growth in East lavo could
increase the elasticity of economic growth. The tourism sector influence on economic
growth in Eqst Javo. lt shows that the growth of tourism in East Java could increase the
elasticity of economic growth.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]