Ekonomi Regional: Tipologi dan Sektor Potensial dalam Pengembangan Wilayah (Studi pada Wilayah Kecamatan di Kabupaten Jember)
The purpose of research conducted in Jember is to develop the economic area
of Kecamatan in Jember district by identifying potential typologies and
sectors as well as analyzing the contributions of the sector. Secondary time
series Data sourced from the BPS Jember District in 2014-2017 serves as
supporting the research. Analysis of classical typology, DLQ and Shift Share
Esteban Marquillas will be used as an analysis tool for obtaining the results
to be outlined in the discussion chapter. The results of data analysis using
these three tools resulted that the districts of Kaliwates, Sumbersari and
Patrang are rapidly advancing and fast growing areas. The end of the year
2014 showed that Puger Wuluhan, Ambulu, Tanggul, Bangsalsari and
Sumberbaru districts were seen from the growth of PDRB, which has
continued to increase in the category of quadrants I. Areas that fall into the
category of regions Left is Panti subdistrict. The results of the study using
DLQ analysis showed that the building sector has the advantage of other
sectors and sectors that are in the future remain potential agricultural sectors.
The latest analysis results using SSEM analysis resulted that Jombang
subdistrict is an analysis area that has seven sectors that have a competitive
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]