Self-Disclosure of HIV Status among HIV Positive-MSM (Men who Have Sex with Men) to Their Male Sexual Partnerin Pendalungan area of Jember, Indonesia
Background :Self-disclosure among MSM with HIV may affecting their behavior toward prevention of HIV transmission. Self-disclosure
may influenced by cultural background of MSM.
Aim :This study was to identifyself-disclosure of HIV status among MSM.
Method :This study used a descriptive exploratory method with a cross-sectional approach. As much as 101 HIV-positive MSM were
collected by using purposive sampling following this study. Data were collected by a self-disclosure questionnaire and analyzed with
exploratory descriptive approach.
Result :Almost all MSM with HIV/AIDS not disclosedtheir HIV status to male sexual partner (90.1%), the most reasons for not disclosing
were fear of breaking up with their partner (42.9%), worrying other knew their HIV status (42.9%), being ridiculed by other (38.5%), and
others. Those who disclose have the most reasons, the partners are also HIV positive (50%). HIV-positive MSM still has obstacles in
disclosing HIV status to their male sexual partners.
Conclusion : HIV-positive MSM tends to be not disclosed to their male sexual partners. Many efforts need to be made to manage HIV
transmission among MSM. It may be done with health education to the MSM group in the Pendalungan are to have save sex and
community stigma.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]