Upaya Perdamaian Proses Perceraian Melalui Mediasi Oleh Pengadilan Agama Sebagai Family Counseling
One of the social problems in Jember is the high divorce rate. Divorce is chosen
because it is considered as a solution to the problems that previously occurred in
the family. On the other hand, many studies have shown that divorce could bring
negative effects on husbands, wives and children. It means that divorce not only
brings the positive effects because it ends the previous problem but also raises
new problems. Therefore, it needs family counseling agencies that can help to
solve the problem. Religious court is not a family counseling institution but in
practice, it has effort to reconcile and resolve family problems through mediation,
so it is important to understand the mediation effort of divorce in religious court as
family counseling. This research used qualitative approach in descriptive type.
The research location was in Religious Court of Jember. The used informant
determination technique was Purposive technique. The used data collection
methods were observation, interviews, and documentation. The data were
analyzed by using Miles and Huberman model. To Test data validity, the
researcher used source and method triangulations. The research results indicated
that the mediation of divorce in religious court was an effort to solve family
problems done by both husband and wife assisted by neutral and professional
third party that was mediator. He did not take decision, but he helped families
reach reconciliation. The mediation process was carried out with a problem
solving approach with several steps, namely (1) establishing relationships with
clients (2) identifying family problems, (3) doing caucus as needed, (4) giving
advice, (5) offering reconciliation through written agreement, and (6) making
formal agreement.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]