The Contribution of Halfway House "Lentera Ilmu" in the Empowerment of Street Children in Jember
The phenomenon of street children is a problem that will not cease
to be debated in both academic and practical studies. This case
should be seriously treated since the street children role as the
future generation and if it is not immediately overcome, it will
threaten the nation's future. Indonesian nation with age range
between 10 and 20 years of the younger generation today is they
who will drive a great ship of this nation. The establishment of
halfway houses is an alternative way to overcome problems of
street children. Halfway house is a place of convergence which is
informal, where the children meet each other, gain information and
guidance early before getting the further coaching process.
However in its implementation, halfway house still faces some
problems related to its establishment goals and its functions to
optimize the empowerment of street children. Starting from this
phenomenon, especially in Jember, the researcher is attracted to
conduct a research study on how is the contribution of halfway
house “Lentera Ilmu” in the empowerment of street children in
Jember.This study uses a qualitative research approach of case
studies.The research results showed that the halfway house “Lentera
Ilmu” contributes to the handling of street children in Jember, like
as the meeting place (meeting point) between social workers and
street children, as a center for the diagnosis and referral namely a
place to make diagnosis of the needs and problems of street children
and referral social services for street children, as the facilitator and
the mediator between the street children and their families,
substitute families, and other institutions. The halfway house
“Lentera Ilmu” also roles as a heaven of science protection that
protects the children from various forms of violence and sexual
perversion or other behaviors. The activities of development program for the street children in the halfway house “Lentera Ilmu”
include coaching and mentoring, entrepreneurship service program
for street children in the form of skills development (such as screen
printing, sewing, and electro) in accordance with their conditions
and interests, providing capital assistance and guidance of business
for the street children in both individuals and groups and also
finding suitable jobs or internships for street children.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]