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dc.contributor.authorSetyono, Budi
dc.descriptionProceedings The 1st International Seminar on Education 2013en_US
dc.description.abstractWriting a thesis and journal article publication have been stipulated as the exit requirement for undergraduate students. This is a crucial step to increase the number of scientific publications as well as to give useful experience for beginning researchers to disseminate their research findings through article publication. In response to this and to avoid plagiarism, all departments or study programs of the teacher training institutions need to facilitate their students in the process of scientific writing production and publication. Some possible strategies taken are by applying strict rules and penalty, offering courses supporting academic writing skills, integrating character education, and mantaining detailed records of all sources used. By doing so, it is expected that the practice of commiting plagiarism among the students of EFL (English as a Foreign Language) of teacher training institutions can be minimized. This article discusses some ways to prevent the practice of commiting plagiarism by undergraduate EFL students of the teacher training institutions.en_US
dc.subjectscientific writingen_US
dc.subjectundergraduate EFL studentsen_US
dc.subjectteacher training institutionen_US
dc.titlePrevention of Plagiarism in the Scientific Writing Produced by Undergraduate Efl Students of Teacher Training Institutionen_US

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