Upgrading the Teaching Performance of the In-Service Elementary School Teachers through Hybrid Learning Program
One of the government’s policies to improve the
quality of national education is to require the teachers
having undergraduate education. The problem with this
policy is that the university offering the undergraduate
program is located in a distant place, while the in-service
teachers are still required to teach their students. For
accelerating teachers’ qualification, hybrid learning
program, in this case PJJ S1 PGSD was offered as the
answer to overcome such a problem. As a member of the 23
Teacher Education Institution Consortium running PJJ S1
PGSD, FKIP Jember University was successful in
upgrading 255 in-service teachers from 5 Regencies in East
Java as the graduates of PJJ ICT Program. Based on the
program evaluation, the graduates of PJJ S1 PGSD
program could improve their teaching performance by
applying various models of instructions, using various
instructional media, providing various learning materials,
as well as using the multiple forms of assessment.
- LSP-Conference Proceeding [1877]