Studi Fenomenologi Kebutuhan dan Hambatan Perawat dalam Pelaksanaan Resusitasi pada Kegawatan Neonatus Prematur di Ruang Neonatus RSD dr. Haryoto Lumajang
Maisyaroh, Arista
Ratnawati, Retty
Rachmawati, Septi Dewi
Show full item recordAbstract
Clinical Nurses must have competence in the treatment of patients with
emergency conditions, including the resuscitation in preterm neonates. But in
practice many needs and obstacle in order to achieve the best quality of resuscitation.
Personal abilities and limitations of the equipment could become an obstacle in the
implementation of resuscitation, besides that nurses also require upgrading of
competence to be able to improve the quality of resuscitation. But in fact the nurse
experience in this regard is still not much explored. The research objective is to
explore the needs and obstacle of nurses in performing resuscitation on critical of
preterm neonates in neonatal ward of RSD Dr Haryato Lumajang The study design
used is qualitative interpretative phenomenological approach . in-depth interviews
using semi-structured questions involving 7 nurses neonatal ward RSD Dr Haryato
Lumajang. Data were collected and analyzed using thematic analysis approach
based Braun & Clarke.This study resulted in five themes, namely personal challenge,
the complexity of organizing the team, limited facilities, improving the competence
and adequacy of equipment.The results of the overall interview participants showed
that resuscitation is not only an individual act but a dynamic team organization, so
that barriers resuscitation implementation not only of personal helper but also of
organizing the resuscitation team backed by equipment needs to improve the quality
of resuscitation. To reduce existing barriers can be done to increase the competence
helper with periodic refresher training and to increase the perception among the
team members so as to improve the quality of the team organization resuscitation.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]