Representasi Radikalisme dan Deradikalisme Agama Dalam Sastra Pesantren
Radicalism is not only a challange to a nation-state system but also
a threat to the diverse and tolerance of Indonesian. Even literary
works are potential to be a site of meanings that fertilizes radicalism
through narrations. Therefore, this article scrutinizes the ability of
literary texts to support or to counter radicalism in Indonesia. The
chosen Sastra Pesantren (Pesantren literature) in this research are
Menggapai Kosong by Izzul Muttaqin and Rebbe by Laila Haqy.
The focus of this research is ideological position of the author in
presenting religious-humanist discourse as a formula of
antiradicalism. The analysis is done through a mapping of
religious-humanist discourse in the literary texts with considering
historical moment and place of the production. Stuart Hall’s
representation theory is used in this article. Through constructionist
approach this research analyzes the ability of language system in
contructing concepts in our minds or to make the material world is
meaningfull. The result of this analysis shows that the two pesantren
literary works has represented deradicalism as efforts to against
religious radicalism. The policies of the government in fighting
radicalism have important roles in constructing the divinity and
culture of society as recorded by the Pesantren literature.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]