Transformasi Nilai dalam Pelayanan Publik (Kajian Teoritis Dalam Perspektif Manajemen Publik)
Public service is a need that must be available to the community at large in various
aspects of life. Public service demands that are more satisfaction oriented have not
been fully met by the government, this is due to the failure of the government to carry
out the transformation of values inherent in public services. Old values that are more
oriented to power (status quo) and the interests of the group are still dominant, the
weakness of making arrangements in a system of services that are less professional
or failing to establish working relationships between service actors (government,
private and community) so that public services are still neglected. The
transformation of values is an effort to change the old values in the implementation
of highly bureaucratic services to new values that are more democratic and
humanistic so as to provide satisfaction to the public in good governance based on
agreements and beliefs as outlined in the traditions / habits of public service.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]