Age Estimation with Tooth Coronal Index (TCI) Method on Mandibular Secondmolar at Age 11-25 Years Old
Introduction: Age estimation is a part of human identification process. The Tooth Coronal
Index (TCI) is an age estimation method based on the relationship between chronological age
and pulp cavity size. Mandibular second molar tooth provides a good anatomical detail on the
periapical radiograph. This study aimed to determine the age estimation based on periapical
radiograph analysis of mandibular second molar tooth at age 11-25 years old with TCI method.
Method: Coronal Height (CH) and Coronal Pulp Cavity Height (CPCH) measurements were
performed using a caliper on 120 periapical radiographs. The formula TCI=CPCHx I 00/CH
were used, thenanalyzed to determine the relationship between the chronological age and the
TC! score. Result: The result showed no significant difference in the TC! score between the
sexes and inter-tooth region. The age estimation formula based of data analysis is 40.7 I 7+(-
0.872)TCI with strong negative correlation (r=-0.884). Conclusion: Individual age estimation
of 11-25 years old can be determined by periapical radiograph analysis of mandibular second
molar tooth by TCI method without being influenced by sexes and tooth-region.
- LSP-Conference Proceeding [1877]