Variables Determinants of Social Performance And Islamic Banking and Conventional variable differentiator Social Performance Among Both Cases in Indonesia
Shulthoni, Mochamad
Wardayati, Siti Maria
Irmadariyani, Ririn
Putra, Hendrawan Santosa
Show full item recordAbstract
This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of risk variables, governance, financial performance,
capital structure, asset structure, intermediation and human capital functions on the social performance of sharia
commercial banks and conventional commercial banks as well as to test and analyze the influence of risk variables,
ernance, financial performance, capital structure, asset structure, intermediation functions and human capital towards
social differences in performance between conventional and sharia commercial banks. The type of research used in this
study is explanatory research, roomates explains the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable and
comparative research, the which is research that is used to explain variables that influence the differences in social
performance of Islamic banks and conventional commercial banks. The Populations in this study are commercial banks
(conventional) and Islamic public banks in Indonesia. The purposive sampling technique was used to Obtain samples
items, namely commercial banks (conventional) and sharia commercial banks in Indonesia to publish audited financial
reports, annual reports and Reviews those that corporate social responsibility reports submitted between 2013 - 2017.
Technical Data analysis used multiple regression and discriminant analysis. The analysis in this study tested the
hypothesis. Multiple regression is used to analyze variables that Affect the social performance of conventional commercial
banks and Islamic commercial banks. While discriminant analysis is used to analyze what variables influence the social
performance of conventional public commercial banks and Islamic banks in Indonesia. Based on the results of the analysis
and discussion concluded that (a) the variables of governance, capital structure, asset structure of human capital, risk,
intermediation function and financial performance have no significant effect on the social performance of sharia
commercial banks; (B) risk and financial performance variables have a significant effect on the social performance of
conventional commercial banks. While the variables of governance, capital structure, asset structure of human capital,
and intermediation function have no significant effect on the social performance of conventional commercial banks and (c)
the variables of risk and financial performance have a significant effect on the performance of social Distinguishing
between commercial Islamic banks and conventional commercial banks. While the variables of governance, capital
structure, asset structure of human capital, and intermediation function do not Significantly influence between social
performance of commercial Islamic banks and conventional commercial banks.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]