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dc.contributor.authorHamada, Rachel Marcelia
dc.contributor.authorApriyono, Dwi Kartika
dc.contributor.authorWulandari, Erawati
dc.descriptione-Journal Pustaka Kesehatan, vol. 4(no.) 2, Mei, 2016en_US
dc.description.abstractRestorative dental material is one of the forensic experts directory assistance to determining the identity of the unknown victim who in burn condition. Determining the identity can be done through changes dimensions. Changes dimensions can be look of reduced weight and discoloration on the restoration at high temperatures. Composite resin restorations is one materials that is mostly used because it has mechanical characteristic, aesthetic and physical well compared to other restorative materials. Objective: To identify the changes of dimensions such as the weight reduction and the changes of color between nanofiller composite resin with microhybrid composite resin which is heated at high temperatures. Method and Material: The material used is nanofiller composite resin and microhybrid composite resin. The stage of the treatment is done by heating the composite resin at three temperatures: 319oC, 412oC, 800oC then look at the changes of color and the weight reduction. Results and Conclusion: The results of two way ANOVA test and Post Hoc LSD test showed a significant differences with p <0.05. The conclusion is there are physical changes such as discoloration and weight reduction of the composite resin which is heated at high temperatures.en_US
dc.subjectNanofiler composite resinen_US
dc.subjectMicrohybrid composite resinen_US
dc.subjectheated at high temperatureen_US
dc.titlePerubahan Dimensi dan Warna pada Resin Komposit Nanofiller dan Microhybrid Akibat Pemanasan Suhu Tinggi Sebagai Referensi Identifikasi Forensik (Dimentions Changes And Discoloring Nanofiller Composite Resin And Microhybrid Because High Temperature As Forensic Identification Reference)en_US

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