Implementation of Islamic Nursing Care in Improving Patient Satisfaction
Musviro, Musviro
Munawir, Al
Zulkarnain, Elfian
Show full item recordAbstract
Hospital must have a superiority in order to survive and compete with other hospitals which have patients
satisfaction oriented. One of the factors that influence the patients’ satisfaction is nursing care. Nursing care
must relevant with Islamic rule that it was basic for nurses in practicing nursing care plan. The purpose of this
research was to analyze the influence of Islamic nursing care phases of orientation, working, and termination on
patients’ satisfaction level in Lumajang Islamic hospital. The respondent 92 people were taken by proportionate
stratified random sampling. The instrument used was check list of Islamic nursing care phases of orientation,
working, termination, and questionnaire of patients’ satisfaction. The result of ordinal regression test showed
that there were significant influence in all phases of Islamic nursing care of orientation, working, and
termination on patients’ satisfaction level in Lumajang Islamic hospital where p<0.05 and wald > 3.84/df (in
orientation p = 0.000 and wald 14. 274; working p = 0.000 and wald 12.230; termination p = 0.000 and wald
20.850). Islamic nursing care which most significant was termination phase. Islamic nursing care was
significantly influence on patients’ satisfaction; therefore it could be used as guidelines for nurses on practicing
nursing care plans.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]