Modeling Student Mathematics Achievement in Senior High School Based on Selection Results Using Gee 2 Method with Natural Spline
Syahuril, Erfan
Tirta, I Made
Lestari, Budi
Anggraeni, Dian
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Every school has a vision and mission to become the superior
inst itution so that it can compete and gain trust from the public. To
achieve that, one of the efforts of the school is doing the select ion
of new students at the beginning of each academic year. In
Lumajang region, admission of new students (PPDB) are selected
using several components, such as nat ional test scores (NUN) and
Mapping/Placement test (MP). This research explores the best
model of the relationship between select ion components (and other
condit ions of students at the time of select ion) and academic
achievement during high school (in the form semester mathemat ics
grade) starting from semester 1 till 5 at 3 schools in Lumajang
regions. We apply Generalized Estimat ing Equation order 2
(GEE2) with Natural Spline. The results show that (i) the three
schools, have different model and PGRI has the highest mean,
followed by SMA1and SMA3, as shown by significant negat ive
estimates of the coefficients. (i) Altough it is relat ively small,
distance from school has negatif contribution to the mathematics
grade as shown by negatif (but significant) coefficient; (ii) The
Junior High School NUN has nonlinear (and nonparametric)
contribution as shown by the graphical representation and
coefficient of natural spline. (iii) Score of Placement Test
contribute posit ively and significant ly to the the smester
mathemat ics grade.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]