Analysis of Sustainable Groundwater Resources Management in Jember District (Study in Sumberjati Village, Silo Sub-District)
Luthfi, Agus
Maryunani, Maryunani
Saleh, Mohammad
Diarto, Herman C.
Show full item recordAbstract
The results of research in Sumberjati village found 15 different type of ground to water resources, out of that 11
ground water used as a source of clean water that is distributed by pipeline to households, and 4 water resources are not
distributed to households. Potential water supply in Sumberjati village per hamlet is as follows: Sepuran hamlet 61.65%;
Kajar hamlet 27,79%, Kajar hamlet 9.34% and the smallest potential is in Krajan hamlet 1,29%. The ground water of Sepuran
hamlet is utilized by Krajan hamlet, Kajar, Karang Kebun, Garahanjati hamlet, Garahandan Village, Sempolan Village. The
average of clean water consumption in Sumberjati Village is higher than the survey result of Directorate of Drinking Water
Development, Ditjen Cipta Karya, it is 144 liters per day per person, standart of Indonesia and UNESCO is 60 liters / capita /
day. Estimated clean water needs of entire population in Sumber Jati Village using weighted average is 2,909,41 m
/ day or
2,909,414.63 liters / day. Data analysis used Sustainability Livelihood Approach (SLA) by using factor analysis, by first
describing the research data using descriptive analysis. Data obtained from the survey using the instrument in the form of
questionnaires, validity test and reliability instrument, all are significant. The highest capital resource strength in Sumberjati
Village is natural and social resources while the lowest is financial resources. The management model of sustainable water
resource in Sumberjati Village, Silo Sub-district, Jember District is in the form of Village Owned Enterprise (BUMDesa),
with the strength is in sustainability of water resources and social capital supported by community approval. While the
weakness in sustainability management is on financial and physical capital that can be solved by doing financing cooperation,
both from the budget of the Village Government together with business and from banking.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]