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dc.contributor.authorBektiarso, Singgih
dc.contributor.authorSudarti, Sudarti
dc.contributor.authorMahardika, I Ketut
dc.contributor.authorLesmono, Albertus Djoko
dc.contributor.authorMaryani, Maryani
dc.descriptionThe International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention 4(8): 3714-3715, 2017en_US
dc.description.abstractAccording to the regulation of National Education Standards Agency No: 0043 / P / BSNP / I / 2017 about standard operational procedure of national exam implementation Year 2016/2017, then almost all SMA preparing to carry out Computer Based National Exam (UNBK). Positive thing is expected that through UNBK will get more objective data and train honesty pasa student. Therefore, preparation is required both the device UNBK and student preparation. This study aims to assess the readiness of students in facing UNBK, especially students with specialization Physics subjects. The samples of this study were obtained by purposive sampling, by determining one SMA Negeri who had conducted UNBK in the previous year (first school) and one school that had never implemented previous UNBK (second school). Test results in the first School with a total of students majoring in Science 201 students, who chose Physics subject only 34 students. The average score of Physics exam results only reached 48.48 and 20 (58.82%) of students did not pass (grades less than 5.5). While the average mathematics exam results reached 52.27 and who did not pass a number of 86 students (42.78%). The results of the exam in the second school with a total of 171 students of science majors, who chose Physics 73 students. The average score of Physics exam results only reached 35.25 and only 7 students graduated. While the average mathematics exam results reached 38.27 and who passed only 23 students. The results of this study can be concluded that the level of readiness of students in schools that have implemented UNBK quite good, while the level of readiness of students in schools who have never implemented UNBK classified as less ready.en_US
dc.subjectComputer Based National Exam (UNBK)en_US
dc.titlePreparation Analysis of SMA Students in Physics Physics in Dealing with Unbk Year 2017en_US

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