Is Financial Performance Reflected in Stock Prices?
Investors need relevant information for making investment decisions in the stock
market. Therefore, we need an approach to analyze stock prices, one of which is the
fundamental approach. Fundamental approach basing its analysis on the
assumption that stock prices reflect the fundamental performance of a company. Is
the financial performance reflected in stock prices? The purpose of this study was to
determine the effect of the financial performance of the stock price. Financial
performance is measured using the variables of liquidity, profitability, growth, and
market valuation. The population of this study is a non-banking company registered
in the Indonesia Stock Exchange and incorporated in LQ45 Index in the period 20112016.
Sampling was done by using the purposive technique. Furthermore, the data
were analyzed using multiple linear regression methods. At the 0.05 level of
significance, the results showed that only market valuation variables that significantly
influence stock prices. Meanwhile, the variable liquidity, profitability, and growth have
no effect on stock prices. These results indicate that the share price reflects the
market valuation of the company's shares.
- LSP-Conference Proceeding [1877]