Perkawinan Anak dalam Perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia
Marriage at the age of children still occur in some areas. Not only in
Indonesia, in some areas is still high number of early marriages. Indonesia
has had a regulation on the protection of children. But on the other hand the
marriage at the age of children is still high even ranked second in Southeast
Asia after Cambodia. This obviously shows that regulation owned does not
run optimally. This article will discuss about some children s rights that are
violated by the existence of early marriage. Despite showing some of the
negative effects of marriage on the age of the child but at the end of this
writing offers several formulations so that children in the age of marriage
is not so much seized the rights of the child.
Perkawinan di usia anak masih marak terjadi di beberapa wilayah. Tidak
hanya di Indonesia, di beberapa wilayah masih tinggi angka perkawinan
dini.Di Indonesia telah memiliki regulasi tentangperlindungan anak. Namun
disisi lain perkawinan di usia anak masih tinggi bahkan menduduki peringkat
ke 2 se Asia Tenggara setelah Kamboja. Hal inijelas menunjukkan regulasi
yang dimiliki tidak berjalan optimal. Pada tulisan ini akan membahas
tentang beberapa hak anak yang dilanggar dengan adanya perkawinan
dini. Kendati menunjukkan beberapa dampak negative dari perkawinan
di usia anak namun di akhir tulisan ini menawarkan beberapa formulasi
agar perkawinan di usia anak tidak begitu banyak menyita hak-hak anak.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7301]