A Novel Upper Limb Rehabilitation System with Self-Driven Virtual Arm Illusion
This paper proposes a novel upper extremity
rehabilitation system with virtual arm illusion. It aims for fast
recovery from lost functions of the upper limb as a result of
stroke to provide a novel rehabilitation system for paralyzed
patients. The system is integrated with a number of technologies
that include Augmented Reality (AR) technology to develop
game like exercise, computer vision technology to create the
illusion scene, 3D modeling and model simulation, and signal
processing to detect user intention via EMG signal. The
effectiveness of the developed system has evaluated via usability
study and questionnaires which is represented by graphical and
analytical methods. The evaluation provides with positive
results and this indicates the developed system has potential as
an effective rehabilitation system for upper limb impairment.
- LSP-Conference Proceeding [1877]