Pictures in Series as the Way to Teach Reading on the Ninth Grade Students at SMPN 1 Besuki-Situbondo
Yanuarista, Riska Lanvie
Sundari, Siti
Andayani T, Made Adi
Show full item recordAbstract
This research was intended to improve students' active participation and their
reading comprehension achievement by using pictures in series. Purposive method was
used to choose SMPN 1 Besuki-Situbondo as the researcher area. The data collection
methods were reading test, observation, interview and documentation. The research
subjects were 32 students of class IX C. The action was done in two cycles in which each
cycle consisted of three meetings. Two meetings for teaching reading by using picture in
series and the third meeting for reading test. This research was conducted collaboratively
with the ninth grade English teacher. The students' participation in cycle 1 was 62.5% and
in cycle 2 was 75% then the result of students' reading comprehension test in cycle 1 was
78.12% and in cycle 2 was 84.37% it means that the use of picture in series could improve
the students' reading achievement.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]