Improving the Eighth Grade Students' Reading Comprehension Achievement and Their Active Participation through Roundtable Technique
This research was intended to improve the eighth grade students’ reading
comprehension achievement and their active participation through roundtable
technique. The design of this research was classroom action research. The research
subjects were the students of grade VIIIA of SMPN 6 Situbondo. The research data
were collected by reading comprehension test, observation, interview and
documentation. This research was conducted in one cycle with two meetings. The
mean score of the students’ reading comprehension test was 76. The average
precentage result of the students’ act ive participation was 80%. This means that the
use of roundtable technique was able to help the students to improve their active
participation as well as their reading comprehension achievement in the teaching
and learning process of reading comprehension.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]