Rhetoric and Language Problems in Writing Background of the Study of S1 Students’ Theses
This study was intended to search for the answers to the problems on: 1)
rhetorical problems; 2) grammatical and lexical problems and 3) mechanics
problems found in thesis background written by EFL students of English
Department at Universitas Jember. All analyses indicated fair results. In terms of
rhetoric, for instance, unsatisfactory organized and developed through introduction
and body were found; irrelevant supporting details occurred; and ununified
paragraphs were sometimes seen. The conclusion of the discourse did not lead to
the research questions to solve. In terms of grammar and vocabulary also showed
fair results. The most outstanding problems occurred on little variety of sentence
length, grammar errors, limited variety of lexical items and occasional inappropriate
choice of words. In terms of mechanic problems, the results showed very good
result. Thus, the result of the analysis in terms of mechanics was excellent to very
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]