Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Giving Question and Getting Answer Terhadap Hasil Belajar Biologi
This study aimed to determine the effect of cooperative
learning type giving question and getting answer toward student's
achievement. The achievement was assessed in the cognitive and
affective domains. This research was a quasi experiment. Data
collection used observation, interview, test, and documentation
methods. Data were analysed using analysis of covariance for
cognitive learning and Independent sample t-test for affective
learning. The result showed that cooperative learning type giving
question and getting answer significant effected in cognitive learning
with an average posttest score 60,42 in the experiment class and 47 in
the control class. The affective learning also differed significantly with
an average score 90,17 n the experiment class and 86,19 in the
control class. The conclusion of this study was cooperative learning
type giving question and getting answer give effect on student‘s
- LSP-Conference Proceeding [1877]