PROGRAM PENCARIAN BAKAT ANAK OLEH TELEVISI (Studi Kasus pada Finalis Ajang Pencarian Bakat Little Miss Indonesia 2015)
The objective of this research was to understand comprehensively the of talent
search program on television for early childhood that was be finalist. It was qualitative
research with an case study method. The data were collected through participant
observation using interview, observation, and documentations. Data accumulation result is
analyzed with Milles and Hubberman technique. Base on data analyzed result, research
outcome shows that : (1) LMI’s final show had a lot of finalist eksplotation (2) All of LMI’s
Finalist have positif self concept (3) the positif self concept looks from positif self image,
good ideal self, high self esteem, good role performance, and good personal identity (4)
lmi’s finalist had eksternal and internal motivation to join LMI (5) LMI had many impact
for finalist, both positive and negative impact (6) LMI as entertainment program on
television still ignore about education aspect.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]