Raw Material Procurement on Agroindustrial Supply Chain Management: A Case Survey of Fruit Processing Industries in Indonesia
In sub-system of Indonesian agribusiness, fruit processing industries are major component of agroindustrial activities. In term of
economic development, these fruit processing industries contribute significant amount to employment and income generation.
The objective of this research was to evaluate present condition of procurement system as a part of supply chain management in
fruit processing industries. Based on a purposive sample survey in in East Java province, Indonesia, this research paper illustrated
raw material procurement factors and problems encountered in these fruit processing industries. The data used for analysis was
obtained through a survey conducted in the study area. Direct visit to 63 the fruit processing industries and discussion with key
ersons were implemented to reach deep information. Most fruit processing industries used more than one raw material supplier
to reach more alternatives and more guarantees to procure large quantity of raw material. Most of big industries used contract
system in raw material procurement to reduce risk because of large amount of raw material requirement for large number of
production. Continuity and resource of raw material were identified as very strong and strong factors in raw material procurement
of fruit processing industries.
- LSP-Conference Proceeding [1877]