Analisis Semiotika Film Laskar Pelangi Karya Riri Riza
This research based on the texts in the film of Riri Riza’Laskar Pelangi. It is analyzed
about the Issues of the educative messages through the scenes. The qualitative method and semiotic
approach are used to reveal the visible and also the hidden meaning of the symbols found in the
film. By using Semiotics is used not only to examine the signifier and signified but also the
relationship which bind them. The results of this study: the scenes of Laskar Pelangi convey the
educative messages such as moral messages, leadership and also religious messages.The series of
events in a story of film is a mere of stimulant. The more important thing is the messages which is
hoped able to guide human being in having good moral and good manners. So they are mature and
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]