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dc.contributor.authorTrihadiningrum, Yulinah
dc.contributor.authorLaksono, Intan J
dc.contributor.authorDhokhikah, Yeny
dc.description.abstractThe main source of municipal solid waste in Indonesia is residential area. The Indonesian Government Regulation No. 81/2012 concerning Residential Solid Waste (RSW) Management and Similar Types of Solid Waste stipulates that every generator is obliged to perform separation and treatment. This study was aimed to determine RSW generation rate, reduction potential, and reduction activities by the community in Tenggilis Mejoyo District, Surabaya City. The RSW generation rate and composition were measured according to ASTM D5231-92 method. RSW reduction potential was determined based on weight percentage of recyclable RSW components. This study involved 100 householders, who were selected using stratified random approach based on the economical strata. This study resulted in RSW generation rate of 0.29 kg/ person day, or a total of 16.84 tons/day. The RSW composition was dominated by biodegradable organics of 74.43 %, followed by plastic and paper waste materials. Estimated RSW reduction potential was 67.92 %. The RSW separation was only done by 37 % of respondents. Main reasons of the respondents for not implementing RSW separation were inavailability of time, laziness, and no use. Composting activity was conducted by 17 % respondents. This research further provides a recommendation for improving community participation in RSW reduction.en_US
dc.subjectCommunity activitiesen_US
dc.subjectResidential solid wasteen_US
dc.titleCommunity activities in residential solid waste reduction in Tenggilis Mejoyo District, Surabaya City, Indonesiaen_US

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