Penggunaan E-Learning Sebagai Media Pembelajaran
Form of information technology that can be used as a
media learning is to use e-learning. E-learning is innovation that would
is used in learning, not only for learning material but also a change in
the various competence students. Components form e-learning is elearning
infrastructure, the system and application e-learning and
content e-learning. E-learning benefits for the world general education,
namely: (1) flexibility place and time, (2) independent learning, (3)
costs, (4) flexibility speed learning, (5) standardization teaching, (6) the
effectiveness of teaching, (7) speed distribution, (8) on-demand
availability, e-learning can be accessedd at any moment, (9)
automation the process of administration. The strategy of e-learning
are to support the implementation of a learning process, expected to
improve absorption capacity from school tuition over the materials
given, increase active participation from school tuition, improve the
ability of independent study school tuition, material improve the quality
of education and training, improve the ability of the displays
information with a device information technology, expand the teaching
and learning process by the use of the internet, not just limited to space
and time. The e-learning involving four first is analysis, planning,
implementation and evaluation. Conclusions from the discussion is
information technology and telecommunications cheap and easily
would eliminate the cap time and space been limit education world.
Some logical consequence occurring include (1) students can easily
take the material learning anywhere without limited in scope the place
and time; (2) students can easily learning and discuss with the experts
at things that they are interested in; (3) the material of learning even
can easily taken in every corner of the world without depending on
where students learn. But that opportunities was still face the
challenges in costs aspect, the readiness of infrastructure information
technology, the community, and regulations support for the e-learning.
Education world in Indonesia has undergo development
significant. The development is visible from more and learning
diversity of method used. Methods used often utilized various
media to improve the quality of lessons.
The development of various media learning this along with
the technological progress rapidly. The dynamics of this
technology will reach remarkable acceleration. The technology
that have learned from few years a go now starts replaced with the
new various technology including the conventional learning ways.
The form of information technology that can be used as a
media learning is named e-learning. E-learning is innovation that
can be used in learning process, not only for learning material but
also a change in the various competence students. Through elearning,
learners not only listen to the discussion material from
educator but also active in observing, do, demos, and so on. The
material of learning can be virtualizatied in a variety of formats so
it could more interesting and more dynamic in order to motivate
students in learning.
The utilization of technology telecommunications to
learning activities college in Indonesia has conducive with the
enactment of minister decree the ministry of national education (sk
minister) 2001 that encourage college conventional to implement
distance learning (dual mode). To a climate this favorable, some
colleges has done many preparations, as the assignment lecturers
to (a) follow training about the development of material electronic
text, (b) identifying various platforms learning electronic that
available , and (c) experiment about the use of platform learning
electronic certain to present matter lecture.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]