This research was conducted in Sidomulyo village Silo subdistrict, Garahan
village Silo subdistrict and Gelang village Sumberbaru subdistrict Jember
regency which have been deliberately determined (purposive method) by
considering those have a potential plantation, especially the citizenry coffee’s
commodity. The research method which is used is a descriptive method and
analytical method. Analysis method which is used is a Trend analysis by Least
Square Method. The result of research shows (1) The average of citizenry coffee
farmer’s age in Sidomulyo village, Garahan village and Gelang village is
productive age. (2) The using of input in the production of citizenry coffee
farmer in Sidomulyo village, Garahan village and Gelang village for a seed
comes from government aids, own producing/other group and market. (3) The
capital source of citizenry coffee farmer in Sidomulyo village, Garahan village
ang gelang village is an own capital and comes from family loan or the other
farmer, (4) The kind of citizenry coffe protection plant in Sidomulyo village,
Garahan village and Gelang village is a dadap, lamtoro, sengon laut, avocado,
glirisidae, coconut and banana, (5) The buyer of citizenry coffee produce is a
merchant of compiler and grocher by selling system of large quantity and the
merchant who determinates selling prices, (6) The trend of selling citizenry
coffee in Sidomulyo village have a positive direction, by the selling prediction
for 2008 and 2009 is increase, and (8) The selling trend of citizenry coffee in
Gelang village has a negative direction, by selling prediction for 2008 and 2009
is decrease.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7300]