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dc.contributor.authorPutra, Dhimas Anggara Willy
dc.contributor.authorPurtomo, Rafael
dc.contributor.authorHanim, Anifatul
dc.description.abstractThis research was conducted in the province of East Java in order to determine how much affect the GDP and unemployment on poverty levels in East Java in 2009-2013. To know and answer the problem formulation in this study, researchers used a method analasis data panel approach melauli Random Effect Model (REM). Results of the study showed that regression in GDP and unemployment variables together significantly influence the level of poverty by prbabilitas f-statistic 0.003389. t test results are known variables GDP does not affect the level of poverty at the level of α = 0.05 with a probability value of 0.9806, the unemployment variable significant influence on the level of α = 0.05 against poverty with a probability value of 0.0197. The coefficient of determination (adjusted R-square) of 0.403699, this means that 40.36 percent of the total variation in the level of poverty is affected by the regional gross domestic product and unemployment in the province of East Java and the remaining 59.54 percent affect by other variables outside of research.en_US
dc.subjectPoverty Rateen_US
dc.subjectRandom Effect Modelen_US
dc.titleDeterminan Tingkat Kemiskinan Provinsi Jawa Timur Periode 2009-2013en_US

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