Stakeholder Response to the Development Strategy of Sugarcane Dry Land Agriculture in East Java
East Java is one of the centers sugarcane in Indonesia. But, the development of sugarcane plantation area and sugarcane
productivity in Java has fluctuated. While, the demand of sugarcane by Sugar Factory was continues to rise. To overcome these
problems it is necessary to the development of sugarcane acreage in dry land. East Java is one Province developing it in dryland.
In order to the availability of sugarcane in East Java continues and continuous, it is necessary to research involving stakeholders
associated with sugarcane. The aim of this research is to analyze the response of stakeholders on the strategy sugarcane
agribusiness development in dry land. This research was conducted in three districts of East Java, such as Lamongan District,
Bojonegoro District, and Tuban District. There were 14 respondents as key informant from Agricultural Agency, Sugar Cane
Farmers Cooperation (KPTR), Sugar Factory (PG) and society at each district. The data collection used techniques such as
interviews, observation, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Research methods used were descriptive and analytic. The
analytical tool used was the stakeholder analysis. The result of research showed that all Agricultural Agency of Regency have a
high impact but low interest; Sugar Factory is stakeholder who have an interest and a high impact; all Cane Farmer Cooperatives
(KPTR) are stakeholders who have high interest, but the effect is low; Community is a stakeholder who has both little interest
and influence on the development of sugar cane farming in dry land.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]