A Descriptive Study on the Eighth Grade Students’ Reading Comprehension
Tri Ismi Zain Aziza
Bambang Arya Wijaputra
Asih Santihastuti
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The purpose of this research was to describe the eighth grade students’ reading
comprehension achievement of recount texts at SMPN 9 Jember. The research design was
descriptive qualitative. The area determination method of this research was chosen by using
purposive method. The subjects were the VIII C students for tryout test and for reading
comprehension achievement test were VIII B students of SMP Negeri 9 Jember in the
2014/2015 academic year. The data of this research were obtained from the students’ reading
test, documents and interview. The mean score of the Eighth Grade students’ reading
comprehension achievement on recount text was 72 and it was categorized as fair. The reading
comprehension achievement showed that no student (0%) who got “excellent” category (90-
100) and as many as 16 students (42,1%) got “good” category with the range between 75-89.
In addition, there were 19 students (50%) whose category was “fair” with the score range of
60-74, and there were 3 students (7,89%) belonging to “poor” category. The last, there were
no student (0%) who got “very poor" category with the range of <44. It can be concluded that
most students have “good” category in word comprehension and “poor” category in text
- SRA-Education [1352]