The Effect of Capitation Payment Method for Family Physicians Compared with Fee for Service on the Quality of Care and Length of Consultation
Background: The high number of family physician referrals to Advanced
Outpatient (15%) in Jember represents the service quality of family physicians as
providers of PT. Askes (Health Insurance Corporation). In other words, the service
of family physicians has not been satisfying, so this adds burden to the hospital as
Outpatient Advanced Level.
Objective: To analyze differences in quality of care and family physician
consultation length by payment capitation compared to general practitioners by fee
for service payment.
Method: This was an observational analytic study with cross sectional approach.
The research was conducted in the work area of PT. Askes Jember Branch from
June to July, 2013. Population: patients who visited family physicians as both
general and health insurance patients as well family physicians in Jember. sampling
technique: quota sampling for general patients and health insurance ones in total of
214 people. Total sampling was for 21 family physicians in Jember. Data analysis:
kolmogorov Smirnov and Mann whitney.
Research results: There was a significant difference in service quality based on the
patients’ perception between the physicians with capitation payment method and
those with fee for service (p value (0.007)<α(0.05)). Patients of physicians with fee
for service were 1 point more satisfied than those. Meanwhile, physicians with
capitation payment method had one perception based on consultation length. This is
marked from p value (0,127) more than α (0,05).
Conclusion: payment method affects the care quality and consultation length of
Outpatient First Level physician.
- LSP-Conference Proceeding [1877]