Now showing items 1-20 of 52

    • Pengelolaan Lahan Untuk Meningkatkan Diversitas Biologi Tanah dan Jasa Lingkungan 

      WINARSO, Sugeng (Bulletin Teropong, 2008-04)
      Penduduk Jatim saat ini berjumlah lebih dari 37 juta jiwa. Dengan tingkat pertumbuhan penduduk 1,007%, maka setiap tahun akan bertambah sekitar 390 jiwa. Bertambahnya jumlah penduduk ini setara dengan bertambahnya kebutuhan ...
    • Indonesia Doesn't Need to Further Blasphemy Law 

      AL KHANIF (The Jakarta Post, 2015-01-16)
      The act of blasphemy and its impact on human rights is a worldwide phenomenon. The debate on whether blasphemy laws should be retained, reformed or abolished has been raised by many human rights advocates, as blasphemy ...
    • Rohingya: The Problem of Minority Groups 

      AL KHANIF (The Jakarta Post, 2015-05-27)
      The Rohingya have long experienced state-sanctioned discrimination. Recently, they have been persecuted as a result of the influence of hate speeches by Buddhist monk Ashin Wirathu.
    • Questioning a Theistic, Secular Pancasila to Protect Religions 

      AL KHANIF (The Jakarta Post, 2015-06-01)
      Since its introduction to Indonesian polity 70 years ago today, Pancasila has faced challenges ,particularly in equally protecting all religions in Indonesia as enshrined in its first principle, Belief in One Supreme God.
    • Tolikara: Majority-minority ties and its Discontent 

      AL KHANIF (The Jakarta Post, 2015-07-25)
      Most Indonesians were shocked by the incident in Tolikara, Papua, when Muslims who held an Idul Fitri prayer service in a local mosque were disrupted by a violent Christian mob affiliated with the Evangelical Church of ...
    • NU Must Deal with Members' Persecution of Minorities 

      AL KHANIF (The Jakarta Post, 2015-08-05)
      Since a few months ago, Islam Nusantara or Islam of the Indonesian archipelago, which is the theme of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) congress this year, has stirred controversy. Even though some NU leaders have stated that the ...
    • The Paradox of Religious (in)tolerance in Indonesia 

      KHANIF, Al (The Jakarta Post, 2015-10-16)
      Indonesia has once again witnessed religious violence, this time a clash between a majority group and a minority. The violence occurred in Aceh Singkil, and resulted in the destruction of a church, one man dead and others ...
    • Challenging and Asserting Human Rights 

      AL KHANIF (The Jakarta Post, 2015-12-11)
      Human rights regimes argue that the protection of the rights of individuals is one of the significant elements of a democratic state. It is because of this that liberalism promotes the equality of non-mainstream groups of ...
    • Defending Pancasila to Protect Indonesian Pluralism 

      AL KHANIF (The Jakarta Post, 2016-06-01)
      The Constitutional Court asserted in 2009 that Pancasila was a foundation of the state that could not be amended. As a supreme source of law in Indonesia’s legal system, Pancasila, which was founded 70 years ago, consists ...
    • Blaspheming Religion vs Blaspheming Humanity 

      AL KHANIF (The Jakarta Post, 2016-12-23)
      In the past few months, Indonesia, particularly Jakarta, has been on high alert for massive protests to persecute a person accused of blaspheming a religion. The reactions of people and organizations supporting the ...
    • Butuh Pilkada yang Mendidik Anti Korupsi 

      Tanuwijaya, Fanny (2018-04-17)
      Sebagian elemen rakyat berharap besar pesta demokrasi tingkat lokal yang dikenal dengan pemilihan kepala daerah (Pilkada) yang akan sebentar lagi digelar di sejumlah daerah, dapat menjadi momentum mendidik rakyat untuk ...
    • Mengurai Kegaduhan APBD Kabupaten Jember Tahun 2018 

      Muhshi, Adam (2018-06-04)
      Kabupaten Jember menutup akhir tahun 2017 dengan kegagalan penetapan peraturan daerah tentang Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD) Tahun 2018. Peristiwa tersebut tergelar karena belum adanya kesepakatan antara ...
    • Berkaca Mata, Bisakah Disembuhkan 

      Komariah, Cicih (2018-07-31)
      Kesimpulannya bahwa penggunaan lensa pada kelainan refraksi disebabkan karena struktur dari mata yang tidak memungkinkan cahaya yang masuk jatuh tepat di retina, sehingga selama struktur dari mata yang berperan dalam ...
    • PKPU dan Ketidakadilan 

      Unknown author ( Berita Harian Terkini, 2018-09-01)
      KETENTUAN Pasal 4 ayat (3) Peraturan KPU Nomor 20 Tahun 2018 tentang Pencalonan Anggota DPR, DPRD Provinsi, dan DPRD Kabupaten/Kota (PKPU 20/2018) dan Pasal 60 ayat (1) huruf j Peraturan KPU Nomor 14 Tahun 2018 tentang ...
    • Encouraging Extensive Reading to Improve Academic Literacy in the EFL Class 

      Ariyanto, Sugeng (2018-10-26)
      ER in EFL contexts has long been a tradition for autonomous learnes when reading skill is the only way for them to acquire the TL. The work of the tradition is not because they are exposed to the TL speaking society or ...
    • Fostering Learning Autonomy in the EFL Classroom through SAL Materials Development 

      Ariyanto, Sugeng (2018-10-26)
      Developing SAL materials is time and energy consuming in the sense that EFL teachers should be able to manage their time as efficiently and effectively as possible, but the role of SAL materials-based learning in ELT is ...
    • Teori dan Soal-Soal Geometri Analitika Bidang 

      Sunardi, Sunardi; Yudianto, Erfan (2018-10-26)
      Buku ini terdiri dari 7 bab. Bab I membahas masalah sistem koordinat kartesius, bab II membahas persamaan garis, bab III membahas masalah irisan kerucut (sebagai pengantar bab selanjutnya), bab IV membahas masalah lingkaran, ...
    • Layani Operasi Prostat tanpa Sayatan 

      Wahyudi, Septa Surya (2019-01-15)
      Publikasi Koran Jawa Pos edisi Selasa, 19 Januari 2016
    • Nahan Buang Air Kecil Berisiko Infeksi 

      Wahyudi, Septa Surya (2019-01-15)
      Publikasi Koran Radar Jember edisi Selasa, 02 Februari 2016
    • Hipospadia Bisa Dioperasi di RS Bina Sehat Jember 

      WAHYUDI, Septa Surya (2019-01-15)
      Publikasi Koran Jawa Pos edisi Selasa, 22 Desember 2015