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dc.contributor.authorBambang Susilo, Bambang
dc.contributor.authorHendra Wijaya, Hendra
dc.contributor.authorNanik Yuliati, Nanik
dc.description.abstractKUD “ MAREM ” constitute silvan unit co-op that gets location at Silvan Serut  Panti's district Jember's Regency. Business unit that is grown develops by KUD “ MAREM ” available 4 (four) which is manure unit, waserda's unit, electric unit and saving and lending unit which business unit fourth that still walking regular until now. Training has once done by year 2011 2013 by Panti's districts plays ball with on duty about co-ops Jember and of yielding that training KUD'S income “ MAREM ” alae increasing happening signifikan. To the effect that want which is been reached to know training influence to pengembangan  effort on KUD “ MAREM ” Panti's district Jember's Regency  2013's Year. Expected observational result gets to be utilized for increase effort and income that is at KUD “ MAREM ” through marks sense training. Observational respondent is fire an employee KUD “ MAREM ” total one 15 person. Observational respondent determination utilizes method purposive is sampling . This research utilize primary data as dari 's answer acquired research questionnaire of respondent. analisis's result determinant coefficient scored a point by Rsquare as big as 0,921 point out that training influence to formative volumed step-up effort at KUD MAREM very large, so hypothesis that declares for that influential training variable to efforts formative volume be accepted. Base research that is done, therefore gets to be gleaned from that training has influence that signifikan to efforts formative volume at KUD MAREM year 2013.en_US
dc.subjectEffort developmenten_US

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  • SRA-Education [1352]
    Koleksi Artikel Hasil Penelitian Mahasiswa S1 Bidang Pendidikan (FKIP)

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